Find the Height of Table

Find the height of the table based on above Image.

Fun Fact :
This is Homework in China for elementary school students
Solution: Answer: 150


Let the Height of Monkey be M
Height of Rabbit be R
Height of table be T

We can make two equation from the Image.

M + T - R = 170 ..........eq(1)
R + T - M = 130 ..........eq(2)

Adding both the equations

T + T = 170 + 130
2T = 300
T = 150

Height of table is 150.

Can we find the height of Monkey and Rabbit?

Substitute the height of table in eq(1) and eq(2)

M + 150 - R = 170
M - R = 20 ..........eq(3)

R + 150 - M = 130
R - M = -20
M - R = 20 ..........eq(4)

We end up with same equation i.e. M - R = 20.

Two variable and one equation => No Unique Answer

Therefore it's impossible to find unique height of Rabbit or Monkey.